For an Ireland of equals

Speech by Kathryn Reilly, Sinn Féin senator, on the ‘Democratic Ireland – for an island of equals’ seminar

kathryn-reillyIreland has come so far since I was born – the Good Friday Agreement, Sinn Féin in government in the North, as the second largest opposition party in the South, the legalisation of divorce, decriminalisation of homosexuality, civil partnership, finally legislating for the X case – that I can only guess where we might be in another 25 years... Read more

Irish in Britain challenges and changes for the diaspora

Speech by Francie Molloy MP, Sinn Féin, at Towards a New Ireland conference

The excellent attendance and interest in today’s conference underlines just how much Irish people living here in Britain – whether second, third or even fourth generation Irish people, those who’ve been here for a long time, or those who are newly arrived – remain interested and engaged on the issue of Ireland’s political future; its constitutional future and how that affects the relationship between Britain and Ireland... Read more

Economic benefits of a united Ireland ‘are clear to see’

Speech given by Sinn Féin economy spokesperson, Conor Murphy MP, addressing the ‘Ireland’s Economic Future’ seminar

Conor Murphy and coThere is no doubt that a planned and agreed approach to economic development across the island of Ireland would have a positive impact on trade, investment, economic growth, workforce skills, productivity, innovation, research and development... Read more

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